Monday, April 10, 2017

My First One

This is my first post on any blog, really.  I don't think 'journals' or what have you on MySpace count.  Anyway, My name is Tally and I'm a novelist who seeks to make her living that way.  I typically write in the area of science fiction and fantasy but love to include some romantic and deep personal elements, like reflection upon societal and interpersonal relationship problems.  The novel I'm currently working on most fervently is currently called "Kara" after the main character, though I'm trying to look for something more fitting and descriptive but with just the right level of vagueity.  YEP.  Totally made that a word.  Anyway, folks... welcome.  I'll try to post with some regularity here, though I'm not used to things like that.  I understand that many writers have their own blogs so this is my thing!

Oh yeah, some information about me!  I live in New York City, my native language is English but I've become familiar with Spanish, and somewhat familiar with Russian, German, and Norwegian.  Languages are fun and I like to practice making the sounds I hear in them.  I like to play video games in my spare time which include the Fallout games, Civilization, Kerbal Space Program, Minecraft, and others!  I love science, too!  If you read my books you will probably see at the very least speckles of my interest displayed throughout, if not huge blotches.  I also am down with left, progressive political ideology.  I won't get too specific because that's not really what this is about, nor is it relevant to what this is about, really.  Finally I am an "Agnostic Atheist" as a youtuber I know put it.  Agnostic is pointing to the fact that you can't ever really know whether there's a god or an afterlife or not, but I'm certainly not opposed to finding certain kinds of heavens I've seen portrayed when I die.  Atheist points to my lack of belief in a god or particular deity.  I'm just not seeing it and sometimes try to but... yeah.  Anyway.  Have fun!

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