Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Haven't put anything here in a while

So here I am doing that!  So, I've been having trouble writing for a bit but... I have like 141 pages of Kara and it's pretty cooooool.  I really hope you dudes are gonna like it when I finally publish it.  I think you will.  Anyway it should be done pretty soon if I can continue to write.  I don't know if anyone even reads my blog posts but I don't really mind.  I imagine you will find these after you buy the book on amazon or whatever so that'll work out one way or another and you'll get to see how I was feeling as I wrote.  Kara is really... my heart and soul.  I say that about a lot of my writing but Kara has gone SO far it has just amazed me!  Such a lovely cast of characters we have and a lovely story, too, I think.  When I'm feeling very depressed or anxious, though, since my heart and soul tend to be weaker at those times... It's harder for me to write.  I hope you understand.  Anyway, I'm gonna keep trying like I always do and I'll see you guys next time.

-Tally Cat!